Web jujutsu kaisen is an anime television series based on the manga series of the same name by gege akutami. Yuji itadori is a boy with tremendous physical strength, though he lives a completely ordinary high school life. Provided by season 1 (subbed)
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Saturdays at 01:25 (jst) producers:
With junya enoki, yuma uchida, yûichi nakamura, adam mcarthur.
One day, to save a.Web watch jujutsu kaisen online. Web stream and watch the anime jujutsu kaisen on crunchyroll.8.0/10 (4.4k) rate watch options
[1] the story follows high school student yuji itadori as he joins a secret organization of jujutsu sorcerers in order to kill a.He's interviewed by the principal, who tests his convictions to see if he's worthy of becoming a sorcerer. Mainichi broadcasting system, toho animation, shueisha, dugout, sumzap licensors:He enters a shaman's school to be able to locate the demon's.