Minimum time required at this belt: This is the normal time for a hobbyist that is able to regularly train an average of a few times a week. This is much longer than in other martial arts.
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BJJ belt system... avg of 10 years to reach your black belt Bjj belts
Those that actively compete and train everyday will earn their black belt in far less time than ten years.
Web it is an advanced rank that takes up to 11 years or more of bjj practice and study.
For example, you can get a judo black belt in 4 to 6 years.With that said, achieving a bjj black belt in six years is uncommon. After spending at least 31 years at black belt, and being at least 50 years of age, the red and black master’s belt can be obtained.Once you start training, though, it makes sense.
Web the average time it takes to get a bjj black belt is around ten years.This represents a 7th degree black belt.