The exact order of the belts in bjj are as follows: Everyone starts at white, and very few ultimately make it to black. After white belt, the kid’s system departs for a different range of colors and gradations.
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Kids belt system (15 years of age and younger) children may be promoted through belts in the following order:
This article will also cover the minimum requirements to achieve an advanced belt rank.
The white belt is the same as in adults, there’s just one more stripe with 5 being the total number the final one is red, setting it apart from the classic white ones.Following the white are grey, yellow, orange and green. Kids bjj belts explained white > gray (with white stripe) > plain gray > gray (with black stripe) > yellow (with white stripe) > plain yellow > yellow (with black stripe) >Therefore, kids get promoted much quicker in bjj.
We’ve broken down each belt for you so you have an idea of what each belt rank signifies.White, blue, purple, brown, and black. White, grey/white, solid grey, grey/black, yellow/white, solid yellow, yellow/black, orange/white, solid orange, orange/black, green/white, solid green, and green/black.The kids jiu jitsu belts ranking system applies to everyone below the age of 16 and the only rank it shares in common with adults is the white belt.